The hardest thing about personal training is getting new clients. A lot of personal trainers can often spend a substantial amount of time fixated on the acquisition of new clients when really, they should be looking to improve the experience for their existing clients to get referrals.
What if I told you there was a better way to get more hours of personal training without the labour of online, physical and social marketing? How would you feel about filling your spare time with a proven strategy that encourages your existing clients to literally ask you for more sessions? All without spending a single dime, dollar or Great British pound...
Well you can’t….. Just kidding. You can, and it’s easy. So, let’s say you have a really awesome client that comes to you just once a week. You are charging that client £30/session and she has committed to four sessions per month. Wouldn’t it be super-duper if she came to you twice a week! Here's how!
Well you can’t….. Just kidding. You can, and it’s easy. So, let’s say you have a really awesome client that comes to you just once a week. You are charging that client £30/session and she has committed to four sessions per month. Wouldn’t it be super-duper if she came to you twice a week! Here's how!
Would You Like Fries With That
At the end of your next package of sessions with one of your awesome clients (let's call her Liz), and you’ve done such an awesome job of training her, endorphins are coursing through her veins, say to her :
“Liz, are you enjoying the results you’re getting so far…"
Liz will say yes.
"Would you like to get better results in a shorter space of time?”
Liz will say yes again. Two yes’s. This is a psychological technique called joining and it’s a good way to make people more agreeable.
“So, you’ve been a really great client, you always get here on time, you’re well motivated and you’re consistent in your training. Because you’ve been so great I’d like to offer you an extra session per week for next month for half the price to really boost your results and get your body in tip top condition. That's 50% off of any EXTRA sessions. So instead of paying £30/session like everyone else, you’ll only pay £15 for each extra session. What do you think about that?”
To be clear, you're offering Liz to pay half price for the EXTRA session per week for a month. At this point 9 out of 10 clients will be happy to get such a good rate that they will accept your offer. Now I bet you’re thinking ‘why on earth am I giving away these extra sessions for 50% less?’ First of all, you’re reading this article so you must have a little bit of spare time where you could be making money, secondly, and this is the best bit, you are now conditioning your client in to wanting 2 sessions per week with you.
Why? If your client is coming to you once or twice a week, coming for an extra session per week WILL boost results.
Now, after some amazing extra PT sessions provided by you Liz is going to want more sessions with you ALL THE TIME and at your standard rate!
“Liz, are you enjoying the results you’re getting so far…"
Liz will say yes.
"Would you like to get better results in a shorter space of time?”
Liz will say yes again. Two yes’s. This is a psychological technique called joining and it’s a good way to make people more agreeable.
“So, you’ve been a really great client, you always get here on time, you’re well motivated and you’re consistent in your training. Because you’ve been so great I’d like to offer you an extra session per week for next month for half the price to really boost your results and get your body in tip top condition. That's 50% off of any EXTRA sessions. So instead of paying £30/session like everyone else, you’ll only pay £15 for each extra session. What do you think about that?”
To be clear, you're offering Liz to pay half price for the EXTRA session per week for a month. At this point 9 out of 10 clients will be happy to get such a good rate that they will accept your offer. Now I bet you’re thinking ‘why on earth am I giving away these extra sessions for 50% less?’ First of all, you’re reading this article so you must have a little bit of spare time where you could be making money, secondly, and this is the best bit, you are now conditioning your client in to wanting 2 sessions per week with you.
Why? If your client is coming to you once or twice a week, coming for an extra session per week WILL boost results.
Now, after some amazing extra PT sessions provided by you Liz is going to want more sessions with you ALL THE TIME and at your standard rate!
Dealing With Rejection
Ok, lets suppose this technique doesn’t work and your client just gives you a flat out no. At this point you say to the client “Ok not a problem, but I’d still like to reward you with a free session next week for being so ace. I have Thursday at 9am or Friday at 5pm, when is good for you?”
The client will undoubtedly book in their free session. During that session you do a really great job of motivating them and being the amazeballs PT that you are. After the 2nd session that week ask “So, how have you found having two sessions a week?” Their answer will be ‘good’ or ‘great’ or something else positive and this gives you another opportunity to offer them the 50% discount offer.
If they are still not up for it, it doesn’t matter because a) you’re offering a few other clients the same thing and b) you look ace for providing a great service and rewarding your client.
It’s a win-win. You’re making money instead of reading articles on the iPT website and your converting some of your existing one-a-week clients to two-a-week clients.
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The client will undoubtedly book in their free session. During that session you do a really great job of motivating them and being the amazeballs PT that you are. After the 2nd session that week ask “So, how have you found having two sessions a week?” Their answer will be ‘good’ or ‘great’ or something else positive and this gives you another opportunity to offer them the 50% discount offer.
If they are still not up for it, it doesn’t matter because a) you’re offering a few other clients the same thing and b) you look ace for providing a great service and rewarding your client.
It’s a win-win. You’re making money instead of reading articles on the iPT website and your converting some of your existing one-a-week clients to two-a-week clients.
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Hit share and write a comment in the comments box below. (See what I did there?... Joining).